Welcome to the website of the Davenport Central High School Class of 1997. Please let us know if you have suggestions for things that should appear here, or if you have any interest in helping to maintain the site.
News and Announcements
- Our Twentieth Reunion will be held the weekend of the 2017 Bix 7 race (July 28-30, 2017). More details on the Reunion Events page...
- Our Fifteenth Reunion was held at the Central vs. Assumption Homecoming football game on Friday, September 28, 2012.
- Our Tenth Reunion was held on June 23, 2007.
Have news or events to post above? Send the information to info@bluedevils97.com.
Are You Missing?
Help us track down missing classmates so we can keep everyone in the loop about news and events.
Discussion List
Join our e-mail discussion list at Yahoo Groups.